Simon – “when asked why we are not receiving our lawyers, phonecall, or bathroom break they shrugged indicating they were too busy while walking seemingly aimlessly”

Arrested by Badge # 3330
Detained At: 22:45 – Released At 5:45
Arrested near the Nova Tell Hotel … Espeniade and Scott
Protesting in a Peaceful resistance … under ” Preachment of Peace”
Held without food and water for an excess of 7 hours … nearer to eight hours.

F 90454 – No name identification, when asked she didn’t care. When
asked for our phone call she replied. ” You are being released without
charges therefore you do not need a phonecall

M 90515 – No name identification, when asked he replied ” So sue me”

3- glasses of water after we pleaded for replenishment … 2
cheese-buns were dispersed.
Food- Bread .. unspread margarine and processed cheese
Water – 700 ml glass

7-8 Individuals held within a 6 x 9 cage… concrete floor and metal
cage… Our shoes were taken and we were detained in an a/c center
without blankets or pillows
The cells contained no access to water or food or a washroom facility
.. we must be escorted at an officers discretion .. more than 45
minutes after asking for washroom privileges and right.

Empty cells that contained bathrooms were much larger .. approximately
13 x 9 and also presented an area to use the washroom… were left
empty while smaller cells were filled much past maximum capacity

The officers had no intent on being humanitarian … when asked why we
are not receiving our lawyers, phonecall, or bathroom break they
shrugged indicating they were too busy while walking seemingly

Citizens who were arrested were stripped of warm clothing such as
sweaters with strings or jackets with zippers due to there potential
harm… It rained throughout the night so wet protesters were made to
sleep in a cold cell ..

Personally I convinced officers after two hours of haggling to send an
18 year old man home who had been in a cell for more than 24 hours,
under his first criminal offence or charge. The individual was stopped
at Union station for having goggles in his backpack and did not
participate in any picketing. The individual was either asleep or
shaking violently due to cold, or lack of energy, lack of proper
facilities, or lack of sunlight.
… after 24 hours in detainment he should be offered his shower rights..

I confronted officers about being kept under false pretences .. or if
there are no criminal charges to allow us to leave or visit the
lawyers provided there was no attempt to service our rights provided
by law.

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